All About Laura

All About Laura

Interior Designer


Loves to Run: 5k-Marathon

How has the Boston Marathon changed your life?

My daughter ran her first marathon when she was eighteen in three hours and fifty-seven minutes.  Now she is twenty-four, running marathons in three hours and thirty-one minutes.  

During the 2013 Boston Marathon, my daughter just crossed the finish-line minutes before the bombs went off.  I was on the line too, and it changed my passion to qualify for Boston.

This year she ran the Boston Marathon for the first time since 2013.  There were a lot of emotions, but it makes the passion even stronger.  

Qualifying for the Boston Marathon is very special.   When you set your mind to doing something, it is possible.  This year, I hope to qualify for the Boston Marathon.  I am only three minutes away.


How did you start running?

I started running when I was eighteen years old, to be fit and live a healthful lifestyle.

I started to run again when I was forty-six, and someone challenged me to the 2010 Chicago Marathon.  At first I thought, “Are you crazy?  I have not run a half-marathon yet!”  Then, something clicked and I became addicted to running.  

Running a marathon feels like when you love something and you just have to have it. 


How was your first marathon experience?

In 2010 the Chicago Marathon was hot, I am pretty sure it was over 80 degrees. 

I felt scared to death because it was so hard.  Something kept me going, I stayed committed to my goal and finished strong.


What did it feel like to cross your first marathon finish-line?

It takes everything to cross the marathon finish-line.  You put everything into it, and its funny because you think, “How do I do this?”

I felt emotional and broke down in tears.  My daughter finished running two hours ahead of me, and waited at the finish-line.  That was a great feeling, to see my daughter watching me finish the marathon. 

Driving ten miles I think, “Oh My Gosh, I ran 26 miles!”


How do you balance running with life?

Time management!  I plan my meetings, mileage and everything I am doing in advance. 

We are a running family.  My husband runs, my daughter runs and my twelve-year-old son runs!  Having my daughter as my running partner makes me accountable for my training. 

I love talking about aspects of running, every day! 


What is it like running with your daughter?

We always work together!  My daughter thinks I am amazing, but I think she is more amazing.  We have a very close relationship, it is more than just being best friends. 

I think that running has brought us closer together.  Almost every single day we run together.  Every year, we run the Chicago Marathon together!


What is a typical week of running for you?

During marathon season, I am running up to forty miles a week.  Sometimes its weird, I feel like running after I run!


What do you like to eat for running?

Healthy nutrition for running is so important.  Over four years, eating clean helped me cut two hours off of my marathon time.

I carry a water bottle, running.  I always like to have water or Gatorade.  Every five miles I eat my gels, even on training runs. 


Where is your favorite place to run?

Honestly my favorite place to run is the coast of California.  I was running so fast on the coast!  It was so beautiful, I love the mountains and water.

We have scenic corn fields and trees, locally in Illinois.  I love running along the lake front in Chicago. 

Eventually, I would love to run a half-marathon in every state.


What is your favorite distance to run?

When I first started running, I loved 5k’s.  Then, I moved up to the 10k, ten-milers, and half-marathons.

I love running ten miles, it is like boom!  I can run it fast.

My favorite distance is the half-marathon. 


What do you like to wear running?

I wore tie-dye leggings in a marathon just when they started to become popular.  Everyone loved the tights.

I am the queen of crazy tights!  There are so many running tights in my closet.


What type of sneakers do you wear running?

I wear Newton running shoes.  When they wear out, I just get another pair.  My new color is blue, last time they were pink.  My sneakers are replaced every 400-500 miles.  I run a lot of miles!


Do you have a motto?

Do not give up on yourself.

Never give up on your goals and dreams. 


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Photography, courtesy of Laura Parks.






That Pretty Runner



All About Sandy





How did you start your BIC Band Company?

I started making headbands that would stay in my daughter’s hair and not slip. The lining on BIC Bands really sticks to your hair, the bands are soft, stretchy and comfortable.  No headaches!   

BIC stands for Because I Can.  We fundraise for those who cannot because we can, so hopefully one day they will too!  A percentage of each BIC Band product sold is donated to a different charity every month. 

After my close friend battled cancer and was in remission, I started running in her honor.  Running for someone else, really puts your life in perspective.   While training for my first half-marathon, I fundraised with Team in Training for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  We raised over $1000 from selling my BIC Bands. 


How are BIC Bands made?

Every BIC Band is sewn by moms, locally in Southern California!

When I first started BIC Bands, I was sewing all of the headbands myself.  Now,  BIC Bands are made by local moms.  I love being a part of our community.  We have such an awesome atmosphere and energy!

My company, is for empowering women-athletes to feel good about themselves and get out there doing what they love best!  I love providing quality hand-made products. 


What is the biggest BIC Band Fundraiser you have ever experienced?

I vividly remember that day, of the Boston Marathon 2013.  After that day, I was constantly thinking about a terrorist activity instead of my passion for running.  I remember being angry that somebody attacked my sport, and that feeling motivated me to start a fundraiser. 

We designed a Boston Strong BIC Band, and 100% of the proceeds were donated to the Boston Fund.  In the end, we raised over $18,000 for the Boston Fund.  This was our biggest fundraiser and it felt amazing to make a difference. 

This fundraising experience was awesome because the running-community came together to support every avenue.  The running-community is a very special tight-knit and passionate group of people.  We are always there to cheer each other on and pick someone up when they fall.  Even though running is an individual sport, it is still a group effort. 


How did you start running?

I ran track in high-school, but I did not love it at the time.  Running really became fun later on in life.  After having kids, my sister and I wanted to get back in shape together.  We completed running the Couch to 5k Program!


What was you first half-marathon?  

The 2012 LA Rock’n’Roll Half-Marathon, was my first half-marathon. 

I was running in honor of my friend and mentor who battled Lymphoma.

You never forget your first.



What was your first full-marathon?

The San Francisco Marathon!

My husband ran with me for my first full-marathon.  Simultaneously, my mom, sister and cousin were running the half-marathon.  We made a family trip out of it!

San Francisco was a very hard course, but so beautiful.  We were running over the San Francisco Bridge, and the race was very hilly!


How did you feel crossing the finish-line?

I felt relieved to be done, but super proud of all my hard work and training. 

Running a marathon is such an incredible accomplishment, and something only you can give yourself, no one can run for you. 

The marathon takes everything you have both mentally and physically. 


Do you recommend any races?

The Southern California Ragnar Relay should be on everyone’s bucket-list. 

My husband and I were running with such a fun group of friends, this year.  We just had so much fun!


Who are your greatest supporters?

My husband and kids are my support system. 

I love how my daughter wants to be athletic like mommy.  She asked for running pants on her birthday, not a dress, just running clothes!  Running helps me teach my daughter to love being strong. 


How do you balance life with running?

I have been working with my running coach!  Every weekend I have my long run days, and during the week I have three to four speed-workouts.  

Balancing everything can be difficult at times.  I try to stick to a schedule and not be too hard on myself.  I do the best that I can, and if it did not happen today there is always tomorrow.

Every week, I schedule a specific time to run with my husband. 


How does running make you feel?

Running makes me feel like a better mom, a better wife and helps me keep my cool.  I feel like a better me!


Do you have a motto?

My motto is constantly changing.  Sometimes my motto is “Get Er Done”, other times “Enjoy the Moment!”


Where is your favorite place to go running?  

I love running where we live, a small town in Southern California.   My husband and I can get to the hills, mountains, or just enjoy our neighborhood.  There is a state park right by us, where we can get a good 20 mile run in.  It is great! 


Do you prefer trails or roads?

Roads!  I will run on the road as much as possible!


Have you ever felt unsafe running?

Recently, I was attacked by a dog while running.

I knew the dog was vicious, and this was not the first time I had an issue. 

My pepper spray saved me from the dog-attack.  All women should carry pepper-spray with them, because you never know. 


Do you have advice for other runners?

Everyone should have their shoes professionally fitted.  Make sure your shoes fit your feet well. 

Race for yourself.

Enjoy the ride!


What do you like to wear running?

I love Running Skirts, and my BIC Band Trucker Hats. 


What type of sneakers do you wear?

PEARL iZUMi Women E: Motion Road M3 v2, are my new favorite sneakers!


What is your favorite type of BIC Band?

I love the sparkle bands!  You can wear them straight from a workout to going out!






Check out BIC Bands:

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Photography, courtesy of Sandy Pearson.




That Pretty Runner




All About Amanda

All About Amanda

Girls on the Run Coach

Michiana Trail Heads Running Club Founder and President

Loves to Run: 5k- Ultra Marathon Training

How did you start running?

My parents forced me to run cross-country in high-school for my extra-curricular activity.  I hated having my coach yelling at me to run.  The first two years of college, I stopped running.  Then my junior year, I actually started to love running without having someone yelling at me!


Do you run with a club?

I started a running club called Michiana Trail Heads.  There was no one connecting all the trail-runners in my area, and I thought starting my club would be a cool way to connect everyone.  My Michiana Trail Heads group started running in 2014.  We are a collaboration of Indiana and Michigan runners.  I have gotten to know some race directors and make new friends.

I am a Girls on the Run coach!  I coach GOTR every year, this is my second year of running SoleMates.  The best thing ever, is watching the girls on my team progress and mature.  One girl has been running with me two years in a row.  The first year she was so quiet and in a little shell, this year she is very outgoing and loves to take charge!

Fleet Feet Social Runs, is another club I run with a few times a week. 


Where is your favorite place to go running?

My favorite place to go running in the world is Catalina Island, California.  Airport in the Sky, have supplies dropped 26 miles off the coast of Long Beach.  The tour guide takes you up there, then you ride back down on bikes!  You would not even think that Catalina Island is in California, it looks like an island in Italy.  

Locally, I enjoy running along Lake Michigan.  Running in trails, in the fresh air, is best for me because of my asthma. 


What is it like to be a runner with asthma?

When I was first diagnosed, my happy mileage was ten miles.  It is getting better!   Starting running again, in college, was more annoying than hard. I just need to take my inhaler with me running.

My symptoms are worse during allergy season. If you are in a running group, and all the sudden have an asthma attack you lose all of your motivation.  Running with asthma is very difficult at times.

Even though asthma gave me a hard time running longer distances, I have finished over ten half-marathons.   


How many races have you run? 

The first official race I signed up for was a half-marathon.  Since my first race, I have done countless 5k’s, 10k’s and more than 10 half-marathons.

My first full-marathon is this year, I will be running as a SoleMate with Girls on the Run.  This is a trail-marathon, and I am using my race as training for my 50k in November! 

I actually know the race director for my ultra and the course is supposed to be very flat.  All of my friends are coming out to support me. This will be scary but fun!    


What is your favorite race?

The Kalamazoo Half Marathon.  My first year running this race, I fell in love.  I have run the Kalamazoo Half Marathon three years in a row.  It is all hills and the only road race I have ever run and truly enjoyed. 

The town is awesome, everyone is so supportive cheering runners on and our names are on the race-bibs.  There are live-bands playing music and popsicles throughout the course.  It feels like a Rock’n’Roll race!

Anybody ever looking for a half in the Michigan or Chicago area should run Kalamazoo, because it is so much fun!!


Who are your greatest supporter?

My husband, Adam, is super supportive of my running.  We met in elementary school, and have been together since middle-school.  We started really dating during college.  After college graduation,  we moved in together while he was in medical school and I was working as a Pharmacy Tech in the ER.  I married my sweetheart!  Adam cheers me on through all of my running.



How do you fuel during races?

The way I fuel depends on the distance.  If I am running a shorter distance like a 5k or 10k, I like to have energy chews.  I love Honey Stinger Gels. 

The morning of a race, I need something with electrolytes and a little bit of carbs.  My go-to breakfast is a bagel with peanut-butter and coffee. 


What is your favorite way to cross-train?


I love Hot Yoga Class!  We are always flowing, not holding the poses a long-time. 

Yoga really complements running.  If I miss a day of weight-training it does not effect me, but my body feels different if I miss yoga. I have yoga class once a week.

After I started having hip problems, yoga really helped my body heal.  The pigeon pose, opens my hips and helps them feel better.  After a long run I always do all my yoga poses.   


Do you have a favorite running workout?

I really like hill repeats, even though my friends really hate it!  I have met people who never do hills and once they start they feel stronger and can handle more. 

Running hills, gives me an advantage in my races.  Recently, I was one of the only runners in my 15k to actually run up all the hills!


What is your most memorable running moment?

Probably last year when I was running the Kalamazoo Half Marathon.  It was such a fun race!

Going into the half-marathon, I did not have a specific time goal in mind.  I was just there to have fun!  When I crossed the finish-line and looked up, I thought “Wow, I have to run Kalamazoo every year!  I beat my previous time by over five minutes!”


What do you bring with you running?

My Go-Pro!  I have used it in California, Arizona, and Florida.  The Go-Pro was perfect for capturing the trail I went running on in Miami this past March.  Miami was really humid, my average pace was 8:30!

I love my Garmin 235!  This stopwatch keeps track of my heartrate, steps and everything.


How does running make you feel?

Running is a stress reliever.  I usually just go and run. I might not be so happy before running but I always feel awesome afterwards!


How has running changed you?

Running taught me to be more mentally strong. 


What type of sneakers do you like to wear?

Altra’s for trails and Newton’s for roads. 

I like my Altra’s for road and trail running, just because they are really comfortable.  My Altra’s are so comfy I wish I could wear them all the time.


How do you like to style your hair for running?

I usually just wear a hat with my hair down or pink-tails with a Bic Band!


What do you like to wear running?

When it is really hot, I wear shorts or capris with a t-shirt.


Do you like to listen to music while you run?

If I am doing a road run, a race with other people or weightlifting, I do not feel like I need to listen to music.  I only listen to music if I am board!

There are so many fun things to look at while running in nature; peacocks, cranes, pheasants, coyotes, foxes and Moose.  I love bird watching!


Do you have advice for other runners?

Focus on yourself and your own pace, make sure you do what is best for you!

Be social and run with a club. We have a joke in my group I am the “social runner.”  I love to talk on the run!


How did you become a Bic Chick?

I have an entire drawer devoted to my Bic Bands.  I love the product so much and want everyone to see it.  For every Bic Band sold, a percentage is donated to a charity.  By being a Bic Band Ambassador, I hope to motivate others to live a healthful lifestyle. 



Please follow Amanda's running journey:






Please support Amanda's Fundraiser Run:



Photography, courtesy of Amanda Losch.



That Pretty Runner


All About Kelley

All About Kelley

Team Bic Chick

Jeff Galloway Program Director of Southern California

Loves to Run: 5k-Marathon

How did you start running?

I actually started running, but then found out I was pregnant with my daughter.  My heart-rate needing to be below a certain level, I stopped running and started walking.  After having my daughter, it took me a very long time to get back to my level of running.  It felt like starting all over, again.

During my son’s pregnancy, I was running into the sixth month.  I finished an entire half-marathon, pregnant.  When running became uncomfortable because I was so big, it was time for a break.   

For women who are pregnant, it feels empowering to run.  Sometimes, society makes women feel that they need to stop doing everything, while pregnant.  It felt empowering doing something I love, during pregnancy.  Running throughout my pregnancy, helped me get back sooner.

Now, I see pregnant women, clearly showing, running marathons and half-marathons all the time. Maybe it is becoming safer, and women are realizing they can run.  It is hard the first trimester, you are so low in energy, and battling with exhaustion.  My sons pregnancy was easier, I really got my blood flowing. 


Who are your greatest supporters?

My husband is super supportive.  We bring the kids to every race, they do kids-races and cross the  finish-lines for medals!  Running is special and family friendly.


What is it like running with your family?

Running started as a family activity.  Killing two birds with one stone, exercising and having family time.  After having my daughter, I would run while pushing her in a stroller.  Obviously after my son was born, we graduated to a double-stroller so I could push both! 

My husband started running as well.  We would put them in the jogger and run to Java Juice, get them some juices and run back home.  It was really a way we could all be outside together.  Now, they are old enough to walk themselves. 

My kids are so excited when I say, “We are going for a run!!” Running shows them exercising and being outside is important. 


How do you balance running in your life?

A lot of people say, "I cannot believe you run so much."  I feel that running is the most convenient form of exercise, with my crazy schedule.  

Running helps me balance life, versus having to balance running and life.  I feel like running keeps me grounded with what I do; work, kids, being a wife.  In terms of what helps me really make sure that I keep that balance, running is something I prioritize and schedule.

I have set mornings I run at the same time, and treat running like an appointment.  You would not cancel a doctor appointment, or breakfast with friends.  I really try to never cancel on myself, it has helped me stay consistent. 

I run in the dark, 5am.  It is never too dark, or too cold and I am never too tired. These days you are getting up no matter what, to run and I really try to treat it as an appointment.  Running is not negotiable.

Business owner by day, check out my beauty business, perfect for active women!


What does a typical week of training look like for you?

During the week I run two to three times, about four-miles.  Then, I do all of my long mileage on the weekend. Usually, I meet with the Galloway group on Saturdays. 


What is it like to run in Southern California?

I live in Long Beach, so I do a lot of Disney races.  Jeff Galloway, is the official Disney running trainer and the one who helped me run throughout my pregnancy.  My Tinker-Bell Half-Marathon went so well, he and I still stay in contact.

Currently, I am the Jeff Galloway Program Director in Southern California. I train other runners with the Galloway Method.  The run/walk method is really suitable for all runners.  Running this program, it is pretty amazing to see first time runners go into running not able to run a half-mile, run 5k's.   

Our running group started out with twelve people and now we have between fifty and sixty runners per session.  Our training program lasts six months.  We run on Saturday at Long Beach. 

One of the few programs that trains year round, because of our nice weather.  It is really beneficial for our community of runners to have that support system. 


Where is your favorite place to run?

Probably around my neighborhood in Long Beach.  During the week there are two runs I can do, starting from my house.  I literally just put on my shoes and go.  Running the same route, helps me get more into the zone and enjoy myself.


How many races have you run?

I have done eight marathons and over thirty half-marathons! 


What is your favorite race?

The Big Sur Marathon in Monterey California.  It is very challenging and super hilly.  You basically run along the coast.  Race entry, is lottery only.  My husband and I were able to run it together one year.   Being chosen to run this exclusive, gorgeous marathon with my husband was incredible.  Big Sur, is really a bucket-list marathon for a lot of people. 


Do you have a special running memory?

Probably, the half-marathon I ran while pregnant with my son.  I signed up for the first Tinker Bell Half Marathon in Disney Land, running for a fundraiser.  After signing up, I found out I was pregnant and decided to just keep running.

Five months into my pregnancy, it was an eye-opener and felt empowering to push my body to run a half-marathon.  We were talking to my daughter about the baby running with me, it was very exciting.  My husband and daughter were at the finish-line!


What do you like to eat before races?

My go-to the night before I run is sushi.  Which is funny because a lot of people associate sushi with being sick.  Sushi is a light enough meal with your protein and carb.  I will do a combination of rolls.  It is always a treat to have sushi!


How do you like to fuel during races?

I take water from the course, and usually carry food like peanut-butter, pretzels and sometimes run with a granola bar.  I tend to have better luck snacking on regular food and carrying Pedialyte for hydration.


What are your favorite types of sneakers?

I have been wearing Brooks for four to five years, I love them.  I rotate through my sneakers, putting them in a line and moving one pair to the end after running.  The rotation keeps them from getting old.   


Do you listen to music when you are running?

Yes! I listen to anything from the 90’s!

We just did a race and there were all these 90’s songs at the finish-line.  Everyone was singing and dancing, it was the best.


Do you have a motto?

There is a quote I love, “She believed she could so she did.” 

I really think of it in terms of the way I raise my kids.  If you believe you can do something it is completely doable!


Do you have advice for other runners?

I would say for people who run, not to let anything take priority over it. If someone feels like they are a runner, they should honor that.  Running is such a huge accomplishment.  

Running is not easy and to be able to run you really have to push yourself to new limits.


How did you become a Bic Chick?

Originally, I met Sandy through running of course.  I help people in the running industry raise their social media, and worked with Sandy on her social media.  After working with Bic Bands, I applied to be an ambassador.  I love Bic Bands!






Photography, courtesy of Kelley Tenny.


That Pretty Runner















All About Jamila

All About Jamila: The All American Woman

Team Red White and Blue

United States Army

Loves to Run:  5k to Ultra-Marathon

How did you start running?

When I joined the military, there were some standards to meet.  It was difficult to keep up with everyone.  After failing the fitness tests I was told if I failed again, I would be kicked out. 

That is when I started Zumba!

I was not quite ready to run, yet.  While I did command of soldiers, during a running drill I dropped out. The Sargent gave me a good talking to, then actually helped improve my running.  I started to do some 5k's, and surprisingly enjoyed the experiences!

December 2012, I decided to try a half-marathon, but then chickened out and ran the 5k.  I felt so guilty afterwards, that I ran a half-marathon that January.  I became addicted, and ran a half-marathon every month following!


What inspired you to run a marathon?

Boston inspired me to run a marathon.  In June of 2013, I ran the San Diego Marathon.  I was so nervous to run the full, and almost went for the half.  My Boston Qualifying friend, encouraged and convinced me to stay committed to the full-marathon.  I finished my 26.2!


Did you enjoy running San Diego for your first marathon?

I picked the right race.  My time goal was 5 hours, and I felt happy about it.  The marathon was fun, but I went back to half-marathons for a while. 


What are some of your favorite marathons?

I love the Bataan Memorial Death March, Marine Corps Marathon, Saint Jude Marathon, and Disney Marathon. 

During Disney, I took pictures with all of the characters!

In the Bataan Memorial Death March, you are running with 90 year old survivors and Wounded Warriors.  


Do you have any marathons in mind for the future?

I am hoping to do marathons all over the world.  The world is bonded by the marathon, I always meet people from everywhere.  I would love to run and travel. 

While I was in the military, I traveled to 31 countries!  All throughout Europe, they sent me to Germany, Italy, Spain, Korea, Japan, and Thailand.  I did some hiking out there! 


Who is your running buddy?

My dog Sprinkles, she is a Russel Terrier.  If I am racing without the American Flag, I have Sprinkles. Right now, we are training for a half-marathon.  Sprinkles has lots of energy!


How does it feel to run while holding the American Flag?  

During a race last year, a friend let me hold his flag.  I thought, “I can do this!”

I joined Team Red White and Blue.  We do a lot of volunteering for veterans.  It feels great to be on a team.  We completed our first 5k together last January, Martin Luther King Weekend.

My first full-marathon I ran with the flag, a friend and I switched every 4 miles.  The support you get is amazing, it is hard to feel failed.  I feel naked running without my flag. 

I would love to go run overseas and bring the flag with me, to show extra pride for my country.  People from other countries do it in races here, too!


Do you enjoy ultra-marathons?

On Memorial Day Weekend, I finished a 100 mile race in Riverside California.  There were so many people there to cheer runners on.  However, it can be very scary running by yourself through the trails at night. 

I enjoy fifteen-hour races, it is a fun distance. 32-milers are very similar to marathons.  5k’s still make me feel amazing.

In Colorado, I competed in a marathon that goes up to 14,000 feet!  You are basically climbing up a mountain.  I still remember that feeling of amazement reaching the top, completely bad-ass.

I love going through things, feeling so miserable during a race and unsure if finishing will be a possibility.  At mile 43 and on I feel like I am fighting, but pushing past barriers feels amazing.  It is something that brings tears to your eyes, it is a resilience.


Where are some of your favorite trails?

I run a lot of trails in Arizona, but my favorite trail is the Pinhoti Trail in Georgia.  Pinhoti, is so beautiful but very hard. 


What keeps you motivated?

I think back to when I could not run a mile, and I feel blessed being able to run the way I have.  We all have a journey.  I am accomplishing feats, I never before thought possible.


How do you fuel on the run?

I am not a huge fan of gue or gels.  I love real food such as oranges, Oreos, watermelon, twizzles, pretzels, anything salty, chips.   

The night before a race I stick to foods I know, absolutely nothing new.  I usually go to an Italian restaurant, and eat pasta.  Sometimes, I have a glass of wine the night before!


Do you listen to music running?

If I am running outside, I do not have music because I just want to hear nature!


How do you cross-train?

Zumba!  I have my certification and love all different styles. 


What do you like to wear running?  

I love the grey shirt, I wore in my first-marathon.  Recently, I wore my first tutu in a marathon.  I am dressing up as Dorothy for an upcoming Wizard of Oz race!


Do you have advice for other runners?

Be grateful.  Running is the biggest gift in life, be grateful for every step. 




Follow Jamila's running journey on social media! 







Photography, courtesy of Jamila.


That Pretty Runner